A new University Botanic Garden is being created within the grounds of The
Holmes at Stoke Bishop, just off Durdham Down. Glasshouses have been erected
and the major landscaping has now been completed. Planting commenced in 2005
and further planting during 2006 and 2007 is transforming the site into a new
Botanic Garden. The 1.77 hectare garden, which opened in March 2006, will focus
on four themed plant collections: (i) Plant Evolution, (ii) Plants of
Mediterranean Climate Regions, (iii) Useful Plants, and (iv) Local Flora and
Rare Native Plants, carefully chosen to fulfill the teaching, research and
conservation requirements of a small University Botanic Garden in the 21st
Century. As well as enhancing the teaching of Plant Sciences within the
University, this investment by the University of Bristol will also provide a
unique teaching resource for local schools and a new cultural attraction for
the City of Bristol.
Opening Times
The Garden is open during July and August the Garden will also open 10 am -
4.30pm on Saturdays.
Admission to the Garden is £3.50. School age children £1. Entrance to the
Garden is free to members of the Botanic Garden Friends Association, University
of Bristol staff and students (please bring ID card).

We are always pleased to welcome visiting groups and if you are the secretary
of a garden club or similar please contact the Tours Administrator at the
address below to arrange a guided tour of the Garden.

The University of Bristol Botanic Garden
The Holmes
Stoke Park
Stoke Bishop
Bristol (Opposite Churchill Hall of Residence)
Telephone: 0117 331 4912 Email: botanic-gardens@bristol.ac.uk
All correspondence to:
University of Bristol Botanic
Hollybush Lane,
Stoke Bishop,
Bristol BS9 1JB
0117 3314912